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want to know something about us

here´s our story

About Us

Founders - 3 energetic guys with a deep passion for fashion and retail decided to combine their knowledge and creativity to develop a challenging retail business together.

Delroy, Valle & Teo have more than 4 decades of retail experience between them and have also worked together in various companys within the premium, luxury & lifestyle sectors.

The trio were inspired by each other and realised that they all had the same dream to start a retail business of their own. Because of their extensive experience working with different brands, they thought that the ultimate challenge would be to create a portfolio of brands of their own.

Challenge Accepted! 

The Founders


As far back as I can remember, fashion, music and dance has always played a major roll in my life, and growing up in the UK made it so much more interesting because of the diversity and cultural influences. Let's put the music and dance to one side for now. My interest in fashion sparked at an early age when a school friend, who was at the time designing and making his own unique style of leather hats and jackets, inspired me to also jump into the world of fashion design. I decided to study and went to college to learn the art & craft of design and pattern cutting. During that time I also designed and made items of my own and I even adapted some of my older clothing to fit in with the fashion look of the day. I grew up in a very large family of 9, so spending money on fashion clothing was not an option. In those days it was easier and more interesting to adjust old clothes and create your own trends. I soon noticed that many raw but cultural trends were being fed into the commercial retail market and my interest in retail grew from thereon.

It was a vibrant and exciting time for retail those days and I still think that retail is as exciting now as it was then. With the development of technology, retail has come a long way and fashion is no longer an isolation of brick and mortar stores but now a global network of retailers. Yes very exciting indeed.

For a long time I had wondered how I would run my own retail business and always pictured myself doing a good job of it. So starting the Perle Fini brand was a no brainer, “just do it” I said to myself. Now I look forward to developing not only Perle Fini but also other brands in the future.

Personal message: Maintain your integrity / Be honesty, especially with yourself / Be daring / Aim for global standards. 


My interest in the retail fashion industry began with an internship at a clothing store in the city of Halmstad Sweden, I was a curious and eager 19 years old high school student at the time. I have always had an interest in fashion and I remember very well receiving mail order catalogues that sold clothing, I immediately looked through the catalogues to find something nice to buy.

After my studies I decided to move to Stockholm to fulfil my dream of working in the fashion industry. Moving to the capital wasn't easy because I didn't know anyone in the city and it was a challenge to succeed. After many rejections I finally got the opportunity to work as a salesperson for a Danish clothing company. That's when my journey within retail and fashion began, I knew at that point that this is what I really wanted to do and I set a goal to develop a career in the industry.

After over a decade in the industry and having gained considerable knowledge and insight I find myself still eager for development and wished to fulfil my dream of creating my own brand. Everything has its time and after several years pondering over what, how and when, this dream finally came to reality and with help from my partners Delroy & Teo the brand Perle Fini was created.

Personal message: Never give up / Work hard to achieve your dreams / Always learn from your mistakes.


I come from a retail family and as a small child I spent most of my summer holidays helping out in my father’s store. As I was quite small the clothing in the store did not fit me but I was non-the-less always curious about how they would look on me. After many summers I eventually grew and the clothing started to fit me very well, so well that I started to work as an in-house model where I showed the designs and fits of the clothing to the clients.

At the age of 18 I started working as a sales associate for a well known brand. I was very interested in the retail business and wanted to learn as much as possible. I especially enjoyed meeting and styling clients. I later got the opportunity to work in many different retail positions and after a while I decided to move to Sweden where I continued to develop and deepen my knowledge and experience within the retail industry.

After so many years in the industry I felt the urge to look into starting my own business and also to develop my own brand.

I am very much looking forward to developing an enthusiastic client base and experiencing others enjoying my products.

Personal message: Be the best version of yourself / Work smart / Know your people & build connections.